Diseases that can affect your newborn baby

When a baby is in the womb, it is nourished and protected. But after the child is born, they have to live independently in the face of the challenges of the environment and face various problems. When it comes to nutrition, in the womb all their nutritional needs are met.

Later, when the baby is born, it is separated from the mother's pecan vine, and the baby has to meet its nutritional needs independently. There the baby is nourished by the mother's breast milk. Not only does it provide all the nutrients in breast milk, but it also provides the baby with the protection it needs in the early stages.
Therefore, breastfeeding should be done as soon as possible after the baby is born. But here, mothers face a lot of problems in breastfeeding. It is important to look at the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding, the problems that arise with breastfeeding, the motivation of some people not to breastfeed, and certain medical conditions.
Besides, the baby is exposed to a variety of germs when exposed to the external environment. In the womb, as explained earlier, the baby can be protected from germs but will have to deal with them alone after birth. Other factors that need to be considered are how the child copes with certain environmental factors, such as temperature changes, ventilation, and other factors.

Diseases that can affect your newborn baby

It is important to look at the three main causes of newborn problems, such as breastfeeding problems, adaptation to environmental factors, and exposure to germs separately.

When talking about breastfeeding, it is very important to breastfeed as soon as the baby is born. It is important to breastfeed as soon as the baby is born, as its effect on the mother's mood is determined by hormonal stimulation and the baby's production of breast milk based on breastfeeding.
However, if a baby is born without any problems, even if it successfully overcomes the challenge of breastfeeding, it is often due to low birth weight, premature babies as well as various complications during childbirth that the delivery of the baby is delayed as soon as it is born. Thus, the inability to breastfeed during the first 1/2 hour after birth impairs breast milk production.

Childbirth is a very painful time. The stress caused by that pain can impair breast milk production. Even if the baby is directed to breastfeed during the first half-hour, the milk production may decrease due to the mental condition caused by the labor pains.

Problems with breastfeeding and beyond?
The main problem here is how often to breastfeed. Often, due to ignorance, a baby will suckle for nearly an hour. However, continued breastfeeding can lead to some complications and problems.
If the mother has enough breast milk, breastfeeding for 5 or 10 minutes will meet that need. After that, the baby is satisfied and stops breastfeeding. However, if the mother does not have enough milk due to prolonged breastfeeding, air may accumulate in the baby's stomach.
This causes several complications. If the baby is satisfied within 5 or 10 minutes after weaning, if the baby sucks on the breast, smiles, or goes to sleep, it means that the baby has received enough milk. But if the baby sucks for at least half an hour, there may be some doubt as to whether the baby is not getting milk properly.

If the baby urinates 7 or 8 times during the day without any color, it means that the baby has received enough breast milk. However, due to insufficient milk supply, the frequency of urination decreases, and the concentration becomes slightly yellowish.Also, the mother has some idea of whether or not the baby is shedding milk when she sucks. It is also a good indication that the baby is getting milk properly if he is gaining weight according to his age.
Some mothers turn to substitute milk available in the market thinking that there is not enough milk for the baby.
What is the medical scientific truth here?
Not only mothers but also those who counsel them (adults, even some in the health sector) should consider how reasonable it is to make this decision. If there is a slight decrease in weight, the baby is advised to turn to powdered milk thinking that the milk is not enough.

This is not the only reason a child loses weight. Attention should also be paid to possible infections associated with the baby's food and respiratory tract. In this case, the child has the potential to lose weight in a short period. Even if the children are exposed to flour due to misunderstanding, we will put the child at another risk.That is, in addition to the nutrition of breast milk, the protection provided to the baby by the powdered milk is not available. Therefore, the use of powdered milk as a substitute not only threatens the safety of the baby but also reduces milk production due to the non-absorption of milk by the mother.
The baby should be breastfed for at least two years, although supplements are usually given at 6 months. This is because it can impair physical and mental development and safety. If the baby has an infection, the baby will reduce breastfeeding for a short time but then recover to normal.
If the child is underweight, the child is referred to as the powder. Is that idea correct? If the breast milk given to the baby is adequate, the baby will grow very well. This is because, in addition to the nutrition of breast milk, breast milk contains a growth factor necessary for the growth of the baby. Babies who breastfeed too often develop excessive growth. Mothers may need to be instructed on the number of hours required to breastfeed.

But turning to flour can lead to more problematic situations. But there may be an increase in the starch content of the flour. But it cannot be considered as the optimal development of the child.

Mothers try to breastfeed their baby 2,3 times an hour. Breastfeeding can increase the amount of air that accumulates in the stomach and cause the baby to struggle with discomfort. But mothers misunderstand this and try to breastfeed again and again thinking that the baby is hungry. There the baby may develop discomfort and the baby may vomit milk and even come to the milk respiratory tract. Also, it is not necessary to breastfeed every two hours at night.

If you sleep well for 3 to 4 hours after weaning, you should breastfeed again after the baby wakes up. After weaning, the baby should be lifted and sent to the toilet to remove the air that fills the baby's abdomen. This process can sometimes lead to nausea and/or vomiting.
Explain the possible infections to the child? Viruses, bacteria, and fungi can mainly harm a baby. Therefore, it can lead to minor infections and even death. It is also largely due to the wrongdoing we do as adults.
The most common of these are skin infections. Pustular blisters on the skin, infections of the pelvis, eyes, etc. are common and infections such as diarrhea of the respiratory tract, nose, throat, and esophagus can be identified here.

A child's immunity is basically at a lower level than that of a normal adult. During the last 3 months in a baby's womb, their immune system develops. The immune system of any person develops according to the degree of exposure to germs.
3 The cells that recognize those germs also grow in the body. It also detects germs and gives the body a good immune system (depending on the amount of germs children are exposed to). Children have a very good immune system because some children are very cautious. But you have to keep in mind that the newborn should be exposed to the environment to some extent. This is because the newborn may not have maximum immunity.

In skin infections, blisters may form on exposed areas of the body. (E.g. neck, armpits, groin, etc.) These can mix with the bloodstream and eventually spread to the brain without proper treatment. Therefore, it is important to get proper treatment in the first place.

The pecuniary system is another major source of problems. The pelvic floor of a healthy baby falls off spontaneously within 5 to 7 days of birth. Then there is a small amount of fluid or bleeding in that area and then it heals.

But if there is an infection, pus formation and odor can take on that associated red color. If this condition spreads to the bloodstream in a young child, it can affect the liver. Early treatment is very important as this is quite serious.

Different types of bacteria cause problems when talking about eye infections. Nasal congestion is a major problem with the respiratory system. It can be caused by viruses as well as nasal congestion and breathing difficulties.

Delay in proper treatment can lead to lung cancer. These problems can have a devastating effect on the immune system of underweight children. The main symptom of an infection is fever. But the fever in the body of a premature child is not visible.

Sometimes their temperature may drop even though they have an infection, making it less recognizable. As a result, treatment may be delayed and the child may develop a serious condition. If there are no external signs of the disease, the baby may refuse to drink milk, vomit, have mild respiratory distress, and turn yellow. In such cases, it is clear that there is no infection, mainly due to these symptoms.

Advice - Dr. Harris Pathirage, Pediatrician, Lady Ridgeway Children's Hospital, Colombo

Excerpted from Dinamina Arogya newspaper