Well I’m not a gamer myself. But there was a time when I get set all night long playing some new and awesome games. And it stands me completely out of the blow what will happen if I play for 24 hours straight. You thing I didn’t check it.
What I did first prepare in advance. I planned Saturday as my game day. So that I have no work to do could sleep still well rested for the event. And would have another day to recover after it. I brought a dozen red bulls in big ones not those tiny little cans. And make sure I had a coffee to have me to going. Then I fix my arm chair bit less comfy that I used to. It will help me to not follow sleep. I turned off my phone that nobody can call and distract me from playing. And put some easy food on my desk. Then I start my experiment.
Well first 3 hours flew by like 1 minutes. I talk to myself “hey if that’s how it’s going to be, it will be the easiest experiment I have ever done on myself!” I didn’t feel hungry or thirsty or tired for that matter just nothing. But come to think of that was a really surprising because it was just 3 hours after all. After 2 more hours I finally started to feel a bit uncomfortable in my belly. No not that that kind of discomfort able. Just need some grub and water so I take couple of buns I prepared before and continue. By the way I didn’t lose any interesting of the game not so ever. I guess it because when you playing you are inside that world. So you don’t give a hook of outside.
After 7 hours I remember that I had legs. Then I start to stand and play so I feel ache in my back. That’s it no more in 5 minutes I just returned to my game. 3 more hours pass I have another couple of buns and first energy drink. After 10 hours I feel little bit tired. After all I had 14 hours left. 2 more hours left I pop another 2 red bulls. I have to say be careful with those energy drinks. And another 3 hours that was 15 hours in total. It was late night already but I didn’t care. After 2 more hours I finally won the big stage of my game. I feel victory. Now all of it has been 17 hours gone. Oh my god I just got to remember my legs again. I use my bathroom and came back as soon as possible. Another 3 more hours and 2 more energy drink passes. I have finished the game that I never thought. And now I have 4 last hours to spend. I start to see my watch again and again and think suddenly the time is running too fast. Now it went 24 hours passes but I was still in the game some were. I end the game from another 4 hours of playing. All together 28 hours. I still didn’t know how I exhausted till I end the game. I stood up and rub my eyes. Finally I got that my experiment totally success. My eyes were lower and pain. My back and stomached have pains.